October 17, 2014 •Kelley MacEwen
As the size of Summit's staff increases, we've had to adopt a few logistical changes. For one, instead of having one person coordinate corporate volunteering opportunities for staff (a big challenge), we've formed a committee to help brainstorm and support these events.
The Philanthropy Commitee has been hard at work researching potential ways for our staff to get involved in the community. They’re calling this initiative "Summit Together." While they gather the details on ways our team can volunteer in both Washington, DC and New York, they also found a way we could help without having to step foot outside the office: a food drive.
The first annual Summit "Drive Challenge" pits directorates against each other to see who can collect the most non-perishable food or other dry goods for donation to local charities. Our staff likes a little friendly competition, so we've also thrown in a trophy to help motivate the donations.
In the spirit of this competition, we went against our data-standardizing ways and decided not to weight the donations according to the number of staff members in each directorate. The Principals are on their own as well, so if they want to win the trophy, they'll have to donate more than the mighty 35-person strong Federal Credit Modeling & Forecasting team.
Summit's New York City is also included in the competition, and committee member Joshua Ingber delivered their collection boxes earlier this week.
Stay tuned for updates on the drive, which runs from October 9th through November 25th.