Summit’s team of data scientists, econometricians, and statisticians provide clients with the information they need to make informed decisions. To ensure that these decisions are data-driven to the core, we utilize a variety of tools, such as data processing systems, econometric models, and tailored business intelligence programs.
The client-oriented solutions we provide with these tools rely squarely on the diverse expertise of our team in areas like econometrics, interactive data visualization, economic and statistical modeling, and web-based dashboards. Innovative technologies such as the R programming language and the React web development stack serve to further the possibilities of our solutions, allowing us to provide services that are highly analytic and accessible.
Summit offers policy makers a full range of data solutions. We build infrastructures that integrate data, design models with stochastics and simulation capabilities, harness the speed and security of cloud-based storage and computing environments, and review results from web applications with dashboarding capabilities.
Listen to Summit founding partner Albert Lee, PhD, speak at the AI Public Forum x RegTech22 Data Summit, sponsored by Data Coalition, in March 2022.
Tools and Technologies

Statistical software
- R
- Python
- Stata
Full-stack applications
- React
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- D3
- RShiny
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Amazon Web Services
- Lambda
- S3
- Redshift
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Partner

Federal Housing Administration

U.S. Department of Labor

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Kaiser Permanente