Sandy Vicente Quoted in Forbes: "4 Ways Millennials Can Transition From Peer To Manager"

December 22, 2016 Melissa Cichantek

Sandy Vicente, Manager in our Federal Credit Modeling and Forecasting team, was interviewed for a recent Forbes article: "4 Ways Millennials Can Transition From Peer To Manager."

She offered specific advice based on her successful tenure here at Summit:

You might have to signal to your colleagues that you still have a professional friendship but your role just got bigger, says Sandy Vicente, 35, a manager at Summit Consulting LLC in Washington, D.C. Vicente was promoted from senior analyst to manager three years ago and now manages 10 Millennial peers. “It’s like going on a road trip with a friend,” she says. “You can’t both drive. The passenger manages the playlist and helps to navigate, and only one person can be the designated driver.”

Congratulations, Sandy! Thanks for sharing your insight.

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