Pumpkins and Potlucks and Pies—Oh, My!
November 6, 2015 •Tori Puryear

Welcome to fall! The days are shorter, the wind is crisper, and there’s a bit of holiday excitement in the air. For Summiteers, it means time to enjoy the company of family and coworkers before calendars book up for the holiday season. Our Social Committee and Summit Together (Philanthropy Committee) teamed up to host two separate events this October: our First Annual Columbus Day Picnic and our Third Annual Halloween Potluck.
Columbus Day Picnic
It’s always risky to plan an outdoor event in the middle of October, but the weather was a perfect mix of sunny and breezy for our Columbus Day gathering. After a busy Monday morning at their desks, Summit staff made their way to the afternoon picnic at Rock Creek Park. Families, friends, and pets enjoyed Frisbee, jovial conversation, and playing in the creek. There was even a pickup football game late in the afternoon. (Unfortunately, the score went unreported.)
The bustle of activity paired perfectly with delicious entrees from Rocklands Barbeque and Grilling Company and even more wonderful side dishes prepared and delivered by Summit’s own staff. While the food was a hit among attendees, the highlight of the afternoon was the pie baking contest. Entries include a wide variety of flavors, from apple to Oreo, but a heavenly crack pie won this year’s contest. When we asked the winning baker to tell us his secret to making such delightful baked goods, he answered, “Butter, sugar, and more butter.”
Halloween Potluck
Starting a new Columbus Day picnic tradition did not stop Summit’s Social Committee from planning another event only 18 days later. October would be incomplete without Summit’s spookily entertaining Annual Halloween Potluck. Although both of October’s events required potluck dishes, the Summit staff were eager to show off their skills and generosity twice in one month. Attendees of the Halloween Potluck enjoyed festive dishes like jalapeño poppers, graveyard bean dip, pumpkin cookies, and many other treats. The office was brimming with costume creativity: scary creatures, cute animals, celebrities, and more. But the event was not limited to delicious food and socializing; Summit Together also sold caramel apples and carving pumpkins to raise funds for refugee relief efforts through the International Rescue Committee (IRC). By the end of October, our employees raised over $500 for this charitable cause.
Thank you to all of the Summit employees and families who contributed and participated in October’s events. The Social Committee is excited to announce Summit’s Second Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange coming this December. Stay tuned to the Summit Blog for our next holiday update!
This post was written with help from David Kretch and Kaye Burton.
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