Simon Business School Dean Sevin Yeltekin Talks Infrastructure, Credit, and Data Science with Summit Director Josh Goldberg

June 16, 2021 Josh Goldberg

COMPLEXITYOne year after her appointment as dean of Simon Business School at the University of Rochester, Sevin Yeltekin joins a lively podcast with Summit Director Josh Goldberg. Prior to joining Simon, Yeltekin was the Rohet Tolani Distinguished Professor of Economics and prior senior associate dean of education at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. Yeltekin and Goldberg discuss the implications of Yeltekin’s macroeconomic and behavioral economic research on infrastructure, access to credit, and data science—topics highly relevant to Summit’s clients, especially federal agencies. 

“Looking at [infrastructure] from a macroeconomic viewpoint—and a growth viewpoint—we do need infrastructure to be able to carry out very basic economic transactions, such as being able to do transportation, being able to use airports and energy,” Yeltekin says. “As we’ve learned throughout the pandemic, the ability to have a well-functioning energy and electricity grid, as well as broadband, is extremely important. Certainly it forms the backbone of how we do a lot of business and how we carry on our daily lives.”

For more insights, be sure to listen to the podcast below. And read more about Simon Business School, recently named the most diverse MBA program in the top 50 business schools, here.


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