Credit Risk Transfer (CRT) has the potential to be one of the most transformative innovations to mortgage finance since the advent of the To Be Announced (TBA) Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS). Started in 2013, the Government Sponsored Entities (GSE), Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae transferred approximately 70 percent of new single-family credit risk to investors in recent years. But now CRT is at an inflection point. How will these programs endure through their first economic downturn and potentially a new regulatory capital regime?
In this episode of Complexity Simplified, Summit Consulting Director Josh Goldberg discusses the content and considerations of In It for the Long Haul, the latest paper from Milliman Mortgage Consulting's Jonathan Glowacki and Andrew Netter. Mr. Glowacki and Mr. Netter, both leaders in their field, have been proactive in measuring and monitoring the economic uncertainty resulting from COVID-19.
Take a listen and let us know what you think.