Summit Affiliate Dr. Rob Gould Introduces Innovative Statistics Textbook

In "Introductory Statistics: Exploring the World Through Data", published by Pearson, Dr. Rob Gould of UCLA and Colleen Ryan of California Lutheran University present a different approach to teaching statistics. Instead of focusing on number crunching and memorizing formulas, they emphasize understanding the ways that statistics are used to make sense of our world.

They specifically focus on data analysis, using real-world examples, and extensive case studies throughout the book. You can find an interactive walk-through of this textbook here.

Robert L. Gould is a leader in the statistics-education community. He has served as Chair of the American Statistical Association's Committee on Teacher Enhancement as well as its Statistics Education Section. For more than 10 years, he has served as Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies at the UCLA Department of Statistics, and Gould is director of the UCLA Center for the Teaching of Statistics.