Summit Blog | Data Analytics and Program Evaluation


Written by China Layne | 5/26/17 9:15 PM
Dr. China Layne has been invited to present her research at the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) 2017 Annual Meeting. Her research is entitled “Pathways to Entrepreneurship:  Personal and City Predictors of Self-Employment” and was accepted to be presented at the conference, being held this June in Anaheim, CA.

Dr. Layne examined how personal characteristics and regional economic factors affect an individual’s likelihood of being self-employed. Specifically, the research focuses on how three sets of factors each affect residents’ probability of being self-employed: (1) human and social capital, (2) the previous year’s employment experience, and (3) the mix of occupations within a region. Dr. Layne’s project used data from the Current Population Survey and employed a multinomial logistic model to investigate the effects of these factors on the likelihood of being self-employed in incorporated and non-incorporated businesses separately.

The LERA Annual Meeting is an inter-disciplinary conference that invites researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to discuss current and emerging issues in labor policy, industrial relations, and employment research. Dr. Layne previously presented research on topics related to regional labor markets at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management’s Fall Research Conference, the LERA Annual Meeting, and at the Eastern Sociological Society’s Annual Conference.