Technical Support for the Chief Evaluation Office

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) contracted with the Program Evaluation (PE) team to provide technical support for the office’s core evaluation work. To support CEO’s evaluation activities, the PE team:

  1. provided guidance on evaluation and statistical methodologies for research commissioned or conducted by CEO,
  2. reviewed and provided critical feedback on the evaluation and statistical methodologies used in research and evaluation papers submitted to CEO, and
  3. reviewed the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Supporting Statements and statistical methods used for all data collections commissioned or implemented by DOL agencies.

Additionally, to help CEO increase the institutional knowledge needed to support high-quality data collections and evaluation research, Summit developed a series of checklists and guidelines for the office. These checklists and guidelines were designed to assist internal CEO and contract researchers with the statistical and methodological details of designing and conducting a variety of evaluation and research studies.

The checklists can be found here: