Applied Statistics and Economics

Summit applies cutting-edge statistical and econometric techniques to solve our clients’ most complex challenges in a variety of topic areas. Areas in which we provide significant experience and expertise include the following:

  • Minimizing collections costs by using complex sampling designs to develop and extrapolate robust results from limited data
  • Unlocking insight from existing data by transforming administrative or programmatic datasets or records into research-ready databases
  • Econometric and statistical matching techniques used to find evidence of discriminatory or fraudulent behavior
  • Methods of identifying and mitigating spurious or missing data, including imputation methods that allow for analysis even with incomplete datasets
  • Cost/benefit analyses of programs or policy decisions

We have prepared numerous research and evaluation reports for public consumption, including reports for agency budget justification to Congress and influential public policy reports. Our analysis has also proven critical to Federal agencies in negotiated rule-making and in support of regulatory changes.

In addition to our strong bench of statistical staff, we routinely collaborate with leading academics to provide technical expertise in cutting-edge statistical methods and subject matter expertise in key topic areas.

Click here to read case studies that highlight this service offering.

Contact Summit's Applied Statistics   and Economics Team